Many tools and resources are available to support schools to reflect on needs, practice and provision and plan for improvement. Here we signpost schools to some of the tools that are available that link to the drivers and domains of wellbeing included in the #BeeWell survey. Some of the tools focus on specific areas while the Whole School Approach (WSA) resources look at wellbeing more broadly. Schools may find these resources helpful when planning for improvement.
The #BeeWell team has aimed to share a range of the tools widely available, rather than provide a comprehensive list. If you’re aware of a tool that you feel should be included then do get in touch.
#BeeWell does not endorse any specific tools and believes schools are best placed to choose the tools that feel most useful to them.
Whole school approach
Bullying and discrimination
Participation and inclusion
Future and careers
Online safety
Healthy lifestyles
Arts and culture