
Bullying and discrimination


On this page you can access resources related to bullying and discrimination. 

If you’re aware of a tool that you feel should be included then do get in touch. 

#BeeWell does not endorse any specific tools and believes schools are best placed to choose the tools that feel most useful to them.

Think B4 You Type: anti-bullying campaign

Provides a step-by-step approach to creating a child-led anti-bullying campaign, including:
setting up a youth advisory group, gathering information about online bullying in the school, planning and marketing the anti-bullying campaign and activity
evaluating the campaign

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Anti-Bullying Audit Tool, Norfolk County Council

This audit aims to help schools evaluate the current culture and environment of their school and provide questions to reflect on what they do currently and consider where improvements can be made to create a more inclusive culture and environment to prevent bullying.

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United Against Bullying, Anti Bullying Alliance

An audit and action planning tool covering: school leadership, school policy, data collection and evidence, prevention, response, staff training and development, at risk groups. Links to resources which help to achieve Action Plan goals.

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Anti bullying audit and action plan, Thrive Online

Two versions are available: one for schools and one for MATs/Las/dioceses. Areas covered include: policy and procedures, curriculum, pupils, parents and carers, ethos, environment and culture.

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Anti-Racist School Award, Leeds Beckett University

An assessment tool to evaluate practices and initiatives. Areas covered: governance, leadership and management; school environment; professional learning and development; hidden curriculum; pedagogy and curriculum; parents/ carers & community partnerships.

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Framework for developing an anti-racist approach

A self-assessment framework developed as a response to consultation about the impact of racism. Areas covered: leadership, teaching, power and voice, wellbeing and belonging, community.

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Rainbow Flag Award, positive LGBT+ inclusion

A national quality assurance framework for schools. The award focuses on positive LGBT+ inclusion and visibility. It encourages a whole school approach to positive LGBT+ inclusion, as well as developing strategies to effectively challenge and combat LGBTphobic bullying.

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