On this page you can access resources related to whole school approach.
If you’re aware of a tool that you feel should be included then do get in touch.
#BeeWell does not endorse any specific tools and believes schools are best placed to choose the tools that feel most useful to them.
This document was produced by Public Health England and the Department for education. It outline eight evidence-based principles to guide the whole school approach, including practice examples.
This audit tool provides a series of good practice prompts through which you can measure your setting’s progress.The action plan provides a structured guide based on the SMART acronym through which you can capture tasks for progressing and embedding each of the eight principles of the whole school approach.
This evidence-based framework aims to support a whole-school or college approach to mental health. It covers five areas: leading change, working together, understanding need, promoting wellbeing and supporting staff. The online tool allows schools to record progress against actions, with further examples and resources available on the website.
This self-assessment toolkit is designed to enable schools to recognise and reflect on areas in which they are adopting a Whole School Approach to student, family and staff emotional wellbeing, whilst identifying areas for improvement. It is based on Public Health England’s eight principles.
The framework aligns with the Public Health England eight principles. It includes an audit tool, an implementation framework to monitor implementation and a list of outcome measures to assess individual wellbeing.
The framework is based on the Public Health England eight principles. It includes a guidance document and an audit tool with a red, amber or green (RAG) rating system to support self-assessment.
This self-assessment and improvement tool aims to support school leaders to improve practice in schools through a four-stage implementation framework. Supporting resources include a summary of the research evidence and examples.
This tool supports schools to review their current approach and identify strengths and areas for development using a self- assessed ‘RAG’ (red, amber or green) rating.
The action plan provided can be used to plan ‘next steps’.
The Charter Mark is underpinned by the eight principles described by Public Health England. It requires collaboration with the Senior Leadership Team, using an action research approach to engage and support the school through the process over the course of a year.
The self-assessment tool was developed by Hampshire CAMHS. It includes an audit tool for schools, questionnaires for pupils, staff and parents with additional guidance and case studies to support action planning.
The website offers a flexible approach for schools to audit academic resilience. A range of resources and activities such as surveys, focus groups and workshops for staff and pupils are available.