Our mission is to see the #BeeWell approach embedded across England – putting young people’s voices at the heart of youth wellbeing policy.
We are calling on policy makers to commit to a national programme of youth wellbeing measurement, learning from #BeeWell as an example of how to deliver it.
In just three years, #BeeWell has already generated significant momentum towards achieving this. Please see below for a list of reports highlighting the need for a national rollout of measurement programmes like #BeeWell in their calls for action.
Our message is clear: now is the time to measure young people’s wellbeing across the country!
This report from The Children’s Society calls for the introduction of “a national measurement of children’s wellbeing, conducted every year to ask every child about their wellbeing, helping to guide the national mission and inform policy and local delivery.”
This Fair Education Alliance (FEA) report calls on the new Government to collect “nationally consistent, comprehensive data about the wellbeing of young people, using the work of #BeeWell as a model.”
This ‘improving mental health and wellbeing with and through educational settings’ report recommends rolling out programmes like #BeeWell nationally – to gather local information about children’s mental health and wellbeing, identifying areas of particular need, and enable schools, local authorities and allied professionals to offer tailored, early support.
Featuring #BeeWell as a case study, this Anna Freud manifesto calls on political parties, policy makers and funders to “implement a regular nationwide measurement of young people’s mental health and wellbeing.”
This Nuffield Foundation report entitled ‘A generation at risk: Rebalancing education in the post-pandemic era’ says: “informed by current trials of the #BeeWell scheme, we recommend that measuring young people’s wellbeing in schools is rolled out as a national policy.”
The Times Education Commission Report recommended conducting an annual wellbeing survey in all English secondary schools based on the #BeeWell model.
This manifesto recognises #BeeWell as a model solution in the call for rebalancing our system to value young people’s wellbeing alongside educational attainment.
Former Levelling Up Minister Andy Haldane described #BeeWell as an exemplar of Levelling Up.
The #BeeWell survey is being adapted and delivered by partners in other locations across England.