#BeeWell is committed to improving all young people’s wellbeing. To make their wellbeing everybody’s business, we aim to measure young people’s wellbeing rigorously, regularly and consistently in every corner of the country.
That’s why we’re delighted that the #BeeWell survey is being locally adapted, and delivered by partners, in three additional locations: the London Borough of Havering; Milton Keynes; and North Devon and Torridge.
In each of these cases, #BeeWell’s partners are delivering only the survey, without offering the full #BeeWell programme, as is being delivered in Greater Manchester and Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth, Southampton. Find out more using the links below.
The London Borough of Havering is working with UCLPartners.
Where Milton Keynes City Council are working with ImpactEd.
Where Kailo, a research and design initiative, is working to adapt and deliver the #BeeWell survey.