In this series of blogs, #BeeWell explores how we are using the Lundy Model of Child Participation in different aspects of the programme. We have posted one blog every week, with this latest addition being the final blog. You can read the full case study document and all blogs, here: More than voice, more than a survey!
The Lundy Model of Participation identifies four areas for good practice in children and young people’s participation. They are: Space, Voice, Audience & Influence. In Greater Manchester, organisations also work to include Impact as another key area of youth participation. Our blogs provide a case study on each of these key themes in our youth participation work.
Blog 5: Impact
We are actively capturing the impact, both big and small of the #BeeWell work. By making young people’s wellbeing everybody’s business, we support an agenda to make Greater Manchester to be the best place to grow up and grow old.
We are measuring our impact in a variety of ways:
Youth-led commissioning: Integrated Care & LGBTQ+ young people’s wellbeing
In the #BeeWell survey, LGBTQ+ young people in Greater Manchester reported lower wellbeing scores than their heterosexual and cis-gender peers. Responding to the data, the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership (NHS) pledged £60,000 for a pilot project to support LGBTQ+ young people’s mental health and wellbeing in Greater Manchester.
To ensure that young people had equal say in how money was invested, we recruited and trained 3 young people to take on the role of youth reviewers in the commissioning process. Both the adult and youth panels attending training together. In making this process youth centred and inclusive we improved the experience for all involved. One adult panel member let us know that: “I can honestly say it’s been the best work meeting I’ve been to this week”.
All the adults involved in this process would now be more prepared and confident to support young people to be part of similar commissioning and design group activities.
The Funding was awarded to a collaborative venture between 42nd Street, The Proud Trust and The LGBT Foundation.
“We don’t just want to be known as a survey – we want to do action from the findings.” – #BeeWell Youth Steering Group member.
“Really felt that we have a say. I know I was behind this whole process and that we had a say to make this thing happen.” – Youth Panel member.
Next steps & improving impact: