
Responding to the survey

#BeeWell Schools 2024/25 will receive their new school-level data in late Jan/early Feb 2025. Follow-up support is available from the  Child Outcomes Research Consortium. In 2023/24, this included: 

  • Individual school one-to-one sessions to understand the dashboard, identify priorities and plan how your school will respond to the data.
  • New, free workshops co-delivered with a member of your school team to engage the wider school community in the data, including young people, parent/carers and more. Find out more about the offer here: #BeeWell Schools Offer 2023/24

We will update this offer for 2024/25 in coming months, but if there is something specific you would like support with on #BeeWell please don’t hesitate to contact us.

In March 2024, we released the new #BeeWell GM headline findings on survey results from across Greater Manchester. Find out more and how you can use these findings in your school in this document.


This page provides schools with resources on how to use and respond to your data dashboards.  The school dashboard for 2023/24 can be accessed here (log-in details required):

If your school has not yet completed the #BeeWell survey – take a look here at what your school data dashboard would look like.

And, for new case studies with examples on how schools in Greater Manchester have taken action in response to the survey findings, click here!


New School Action Planning Resource Hub 

Many tools and resources are available to support schools to reflect on needs, practice and provision and plan for improvement.  Here we signpost schools to some of the tools that are available that link to the drivers and domains of wellbeing included in the #BeeWell survey.  Some of the tools focus on specific areas while the Whole School Approach (WSA) resources look at wellbeing more broadly. Schools may find these resources helpful when planning for improvement. Visit the hub here: Resources – #BeeWell (


Understanding your #BeeWell dashboard 

For an overview on how to use your #BeeWell dashboard, you can watch the below recording from #BeeWell team members to guide you through how it works, the different functions and how to create your own reports.

A downloadable version of the slides used in the recording, along with additional information on using the longitudinal feature in your dashboard, can be found here.

If you are looking for more guidance on how to use the new, longitudinal function on the dashboard, you can also watch below for a quick introduction to the feature.


Responding to your #BeeWell data

Not sure where to begin? Use our new checklist to start planning how you will use your data: How can I act in response to my school’s #BeeWell data?

As part of the #BeeWell programme, you can book to access a one to one session with the Anna Freud Centre. They will help you to understand your dashboard and plan your response. Book your one-to-one session by clicking this link.

You can also watch this second recording, in which the #BeeWell team will talk you through responding to the data, involving pupils in the response and using #BeeWell resources to support you.

You can download the full resource pack explored in this recording, here

You can download the individual, editable versions of these resources below:


General resources

#BeeWell resource pack – An overview and introduction to responding to the survey results.

#BeeWell school plan template – This template helps you to plan your response to the data.

#BeeWell self-review template – You can use this document to review your provision in place to support pupil wellbeing.

#BeeWell monitoring interventions guidance – This document allows you to plan how you will monitor interventions and directs you to helpful resources on this topic.

#BeeWell mapping bullseye – This is a mapping exercise for you to focus on who can support young people with their wellbeing.


Engaging pupils in your survey response

#BeeWell staff and pupil discussion sheet – This sheet provides you with discussion questions that can be used to facilitate conversations between staff and pupils on the #BeeWell data.

Youth Focus North West and #BeeWell Lundy Model resource – This resource has been produced by #BeeWell and Youth Focus North West to support schools to use the Lundy model when including young people in the response to the survey data.

Traffic Light template – This is one example of how you might present information from your survey report to open up dialogue in a particular group/context.

Introductory slides: Your school’s #BeeWell survey results – These slides can be used to introduce #BeeWell to your pupils, and can be edited to add in some key findings from your school’s data.

NEW #BeeWell resource: Engaging your students in the survey response. This new resource has been designed to support schools to run sessions with their pupils on what the #BeeWell data says, and what should be done about it.