We have put extra support in place for pupil referral units (PRUs), alternative provisions (APs) and special schools to deliver the #BeeWell survey and take part in the programme.
We know that for many smaller non-mainstream schools, only surveying two year groups can limit the level of bespoke feedback you receive, as at least 10 pupils need to complete the same survey type for school-level data.
Special schools, APs and PRUs have the option to survey additional year groups or the entire school population. To do this, you will need to complete a data sharing agreement with us and provide pupil data for the additional year groups taking part. The #BeeWell team will provide you with instructions on how to complete this and ask which year groups you would like to take part.
A short version of the #BeeWell surveys has been created for non-mainstream school settings (including AP and PRU settings), accounting for a range of abilities and a shorter completion time. This version was developed in consultation with staff and pupils in non-mainstream school settings.
The symbol survey has been designed to be accessible to young people with severe learning difficulties or profound and multiple learning disabilities. Using The Children’s Society’s ‘Good Childhood Index’ for inspiration, we created a 10-item survey using the Widgit symbol system, with simplified response options.
We recognise how busy the school year is, and the challenges and uncertainties associated with a fluid student population. To account for this, the #BeeWell survey window has been extended by two weeks. APs and PRUs can opt to begin their surveys after the half-term break, meaning that the most accurate, up to date information can be used to identify eligible pupils. This will also mean you can send out #BeeWell parent/carer opt-out forms later in the term.
We also ask all APs and PRUs to complete a data sharing agreement with us and provide pupil data for those taking part, to ensure the most up to date pupil information and can provide you with a list of pupil passwords in time for young people to take part in the survey.
If you work at a non-mainstream school in Greater Manchester and you’d like to get involved in #BeeWell, please contact us to see how we can support you.
Your details will be stored securely and will not be shared with any third parties without your explicit consent.
For further information, please refer to our privacy notice.