Young people are involved with the work of #BeeWell every step of the way.
The #BeeWell team in Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton have lots of opportunities for young people to take part.
We have a dedicated group called Youth Matters that makes sure the views of young people stay central to all #BeeWell activities and steers our response to the #BeeWell data. The group is central to discussions and decision-making. And it has the power and funding to commission activities that address the survey findings most important to them. This group meets monthly.
If you don’t want to meet up every month, just come along when you can. You can get involved in other ways, such as giving your views on information that we produce, voting on ideas for new activities etc.
There are also other opportunities to be involved in #BeeWell. For example, a young researchers programme with the University of Manchester (online) where young people are introduced to research and analysis.
Please email if you’d like more information or would like to get involved.