Salford Community Leisure is run by and for the people of Salford, committed to enhancing the physical and cultural wellbeing of the community through the sport, library and cultural opportunities. When joining the #BeeWell Coalition of Partners, SCL said:
“This new partnership will enable SCL to continue to extend the knowledge that we have of our young Salford people and enable us to better understand their wellbeing, and the role in which we can play in enhancing their lives.
Using the data sourced by #BeeWell, SCL will bring the voices of young people into the decision making of services we provide. We pledge to work more collaboratively with young people in Salford to make a tangible change to our services for the betterment of young lives, and together we will celebrate positive impact through Marketing and Communication to our members and partners.
We are looking forward to starting our journey with this new partner and the positive impact this could have on the Salford Community.”