
#BeeWell Youth Steering Group Commissioning: What happened?

In response to the 2021 #BeeWell findings, our Youth Steering Group commissioned two activities to respond to what they thought was most important in the #BeeWell data. We’re excited that we can now share what happened as a result of these two grants! 


Commission 1: A neighbourhood project to support community belonging, connection and improve the local area

Social adVentures were one organisation commissioned to run activities as part of this process. Their response to this finding was to run a forest school for young people to get involved in, bringing young people together to get to know each other and enjoy their local area.

You can read their full report outlining what they got up to here. Participants said…

“The wild makes me feel calm.”

“I have enjoyed making friends, learning all stuff on campsite.”

“The special thing was I got to make friends with nature”

“Taking responsibility and pride in the nature we were

Commission 2: Project to encourage movement through fun, team activities

Pathfinders UK were commissioned to deliver these fun, physical activities, which allowed them to train and upskill staff members in first aid and safeguarding, and to purchase equipment for the activities that can also be used for future projects by the group.

In total, they were able to deliver over 250 hours worth of activity, for young people from all age-groups. 

Participants said…

“I’ve been very brave and tried everything. The lake scared me but was so much fun”

“It’s sick. I’m so tired but done loads I’d never have got a chance to do”

“It’s to expensive to kayak and now I’ve done kayak, canoe and rafting. I love it”

Take a look at the activities they got up to in this video: