
#BeeWell Wednesday – May newsletter

New #BeeWell publications on wellbeing & physical activity 

Following feedback from our Coalition of Partners, #BeeWell will be publishing a series of thematic briefings on the drivers of wellbeing. We are so excited to share the first of these briefings using the 2022 survey data, focused on physical activity & wellbeing!

The short briefing explores the relationship between the two and the inequalities in physical activity levels amongst different cohorts of young people. You can read the full briefing here.

The briefing is published alongside a blog, authored by Kitty McCarthy (Queen Mary University London), exploring the potential economic value of the relationship between physical activity and wellbeing. Read this on our website here.

We would love to hear from you on your thoughts about the briefing and the actions your organisation could take to respond to this data. Get in touch with with any reflections!


#BeeWell news from Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth & Southampton (HIPS) 

We’re delighted to share news of the development of the #BeeWell programme in the HIPS region, in advance of their launch in Autumn 2023. Sign-up for the programme will be open to 206 secondary schools across the region on the 9th May 2023. If you work in any of these four localities, want to get involved in the programme or can spread the word to schools, please get in touch with the local team:


Policy@Manchester host GM Policy Hub seminar on #BeeWell – register now! 

The next GM Policy Hub seminar will be all about #BeeWell & young people’s wellbeing, with our Academic Lead Professor Neil Humphrey providing the keynote. This will be taking place on the 16th May, 1-2:30pm, at the University of Manchester. You can find out more about the session and sign-up here.


Even more news & blogs 

Last month, team #BeeWell published our latest funders report, providing an update on all #BeeWell activities and achievements over the past 6 months. Read the full report here.

And, members of our Coalition of Partners have also shared new blogs about their work with #BeeWell & how they have used the dataset. Read on for inspiration on how you may find the #BeeWell data most useful!