
#BeeWell Lead Resources

As #BeeWell lead for your school, you will find all the resources and information you need to successfully deliver the #BeeWell survey.

The information has been summarised below with relevant resources for download. 

For ease, you can also download all resources as one file here.


You can access a full timeline for year two of the programme here.




Data sharing

If you are an independent school, education centre or alternative provision, the project team will be in touch with you to arrange completion of a data sharing agreement. For all other schools, this has been completed via the local authority and there is no action for you to take. 

Introducing #BeeWell

A full background and summary of the programme including benefits to participating schools can be found here. We encourage you to share this with staff, governors and parents.

You can download the #BeeWell poster here to put up in your school. Even if you have already participated, this can act as a useful reminder as there will be students completing for the first time this year. 

Planning ahead for the Autumn term 

We recommend allowing a full lesson when scheduling #BeeWell into your timetable. This will provide enough time for distributing passwords, introducing #BeeWell and completion of the survey online.

Students will need access to a computer or tablet in school to complete the survey in the Autumn term. The organisation of this will depend on the availability of IT at your school and you may need a staggered approach. 


Top tips

A number of schools shared their top tips to get a high completion rate – you can read more on this here.

Please note, the survey must be completed within school time and not set as homework.


Opt out forms and information for parents

Please arrange for opt out forms to be sent to parents/carers of Years 9 and 10 when they return to school in September. This must be done by the 13th September at the latest. 

You can download the English opt out form here.  We also recommend you share with parents the summary document.

The opt out form is also available in the following languages : Polish, Nepali, Malayalam, Romanian, Bengali, Punjabi

Parents/carers wishing to opt their child out of the survey will respond directly to the University of Manchester and will have a minimum of two weeks to do this, before a password is created for the student to complete the survey. 

Students can also opt themselves out of taking part on the day, the survey is not mandatory. Passwords for students to access the survey will be sent to you w/c 30th September.

If you are a special school, alternative provision or education centre, there is an opportunity for you to survey all secondary school year groups. Please contact the team to discuss further.



All participating students will receive an individual password to log into the survey. These will be shared with you w/c 30 September. Please notify the team if any students are missing (eg new starters). 

Introducing the survey

The following resources can be helpful to explain #BeeWell and why your students are being asked to take part.

Please click to download powerpoint slides to introduce the survey

You can also access an animated video to show students here

We have collated FAQs which you can access here, if you have any further questions please get in touch with the team at

The #BeeWell survey – PDF copies of the questions can be found below.

View the full version here. 

View the short version of the survey here. 

And view the symbol version of the survey here.

Wellbeing support for students

Wellbeing support – poster for display







The survey window closes on Friday 29 November 2024. Provided your school had more than 10 responses, you will receive your bespoke dashboard in January 2025. Webinars will be arranged to help schools understand and interpret your data. Anna Freud, a key founding partner to #BeeWell also offer 1:1 support sessions to discuss your data in detail.


A number of opportunities were available for participating schools in 2023 such as the youth steering group, young researcher’s programme, further research studies and the #BeeWell prize. We look forward to sharing opportunities for 2024 via the monthly school newsletter. 

Case studies

You can read case studies from schools here telling you why they have benefited from participating in the programme.  


Students will be able to access the survey from 1 October 2024

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