
Our People: Kate Dalzell

Kate Dalzell, Organisation(s), CORC; Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families 

Kate Dalzell

Kate is the Head of Child Outcomes Research Consortium (CORC).  She heads up the CORC team that supports practitioners and organisations to work with outcome measures and collect outcome data on the ground, and to use that to develop services and strengthen commissioning.  

Kate is also the Head of Evidence-Led Improvement and Engagement at the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families. Kate’s background is in service development in a local authority context, and in particular applying data-driven approaches to embed a focus on outcomes.  She has been active in improving service collaboration and coordination around community needs through her work across a range of public, voluntary and community sector bodies – in particular in regeneration contexts.  

Recently Kate has overseen our work to tailor CORC approaches to best support schools and voluntary organisations, as well as area-based projects to embed and develop outcome-focused approaches to commissioning, and CORC support for the six areas involved in The National Lottery Community Fund’s HeadStart programme.